
Google chromecast setup iphone
Google chromecast setup iphone

google chromecast setup iphone

Same way as mentioned above the application will start searching for Chromecast device in same network. Once it is downloaded save or run the file for installation process to start. Next get Chromecast application download.The modem or router of PC should be connected wired or wireless either ways.After successful setup of application is done, screen will show Ready to cast which means setup completion is done and ready to work on. Deliver all the step by step procedure on screen to complete and get done Chromecast setup by selecting particular device from Chromecast app list mentioned on screen Chromecast device. The application will immediately start searching in wide range for Chromecast device at once, when it gets instituted. Inaugurate Chromecast application for Android version.To setup Chromecast with iPhone and iPad the following procedure to be followed

google chromecast setup iphone google chromecast setup iphone

This setting can manage WI-FI password also the device name can be changed. So to use the application it should be first setup with WI-FI network to get work on. The important fact is that it works on WI-FI connected network. How to Setup and Use Google Chromecast with iPhone, iPad or Mac? This application on TV can cast the Google play music/movies, YouTube favorites and other more with just through button press. An amazing application Google Chromecast launched for users to have an excitement of enjoying, watching and doing anything on HD TV from web without using remotes with Laptop, Smartphone and Tablet.

Google chromecast setup iphone