It happened last Friday (while I'm on my way to sealing the Keyhole in Atlantica) and up until now I can't continue my most awaited marathon of playing the entire franchise because of the same error every time I tried opening the game, hoping that my corrupted save was finally deleted on their system (since it doesn't make the save data on my Switch for me to delete/fix it, unlike in the case of Phantasy Star Online 2 Cloud Version) at the very least so I can just restart everything from scratch (even if I had to beat Cerberus again). The said issue was the only thing worth complaining for me. Though on my personal experience, the quality and performance wasn't that disappointing just like the reviews given that I'm playing it with my Switch Lite together with a 100mbps Wi-Fi connection. Anlisis de Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2. It was my only available option, so I took the risk despite the reviews. Xbox Project Scorpio: claves de la nueva consola de Microsoft Juan Ignacio Herrero 11:53. I've been dreaming to play the entire franchise of Kingdom Hearts ever since until it finally released on Switch.