Frequent detailed gory and grotesque images. Scene of sexual assault, with no nudity, but some detail.

Frequent portrayals of impalement, stabbing, fighting and explosion. Pervasive portrayals of weapons use and hand-to-hand combat, with details, blood and dismemberment. Violent acts shown in a realistic manner with detail, blood and tissue damage. Explicit depictions of decapitation and dismemberment. Frequent and prolonged portrayals of graphic violence.

This additional information about the movie's content is taken from the notes of various Canadian Film Classification boards: Why is 300: Rise of an Empire rated R? 300: Rise of an Empire is rated R by the MPAA for strong sustained sequences of stylized bloody violence throughout, a sex scene, nudity and some language. The information below is a summary based on data gathered from government and industry sponsored film classification agencies in various global regions.

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